Blood Tide Terrorism Thriller

Blood Tide is a new novella featuring Detective Inspector Doug Brown, the British Detective Inspector who appeared in False Flag. This is a different approach to my normal writing. More gritty, faster paced and is an experiment of sorts and very enjoyable to write....

Lone Target – Frank Bowen short

Lone Target is a new Frank Bowen short set several years after Hong Kong and takes place before the second Frank Bowen novel. Jay Tinsiano subscribers can get access to a ePub / Mobi or PDF of the story. Frank Bowen is sent to do a spot of surveillance work for his...

False Flag Giveaway

A copy of False Flag is up for grabs on Goodreads. Closes December 12th. Head here to enter:     Goodreads Book Giveaway False Flag by Jay Tinsiano Giveaway ends December 12, 2013. See the giveaway...

False Flag on Kobo

False Flag is now available on the Kobo eReader! It will also soon be available on Apple iBooks, Barnes and Noble Nook and other ebook platforms. In other news I am outlining and writing the second Frank Bowen book,...

False Flag Download

False Flag is Free to download on the Amazon Kindle today (Sept 28th) and tomorrow (Sept 29th)