Mar 5, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Magazine
Dark Paradigm Magazine #8 just dropped for Patreons and subscribers kicking off with the third Frank Bowen conspiracy thriller, Ghost Order. Frank Bowen is pulled back into the Dark State once again. Only this time he’s playing both sides. Hired by John Rhodes,...
Feb 16, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Magazine
Dark Paradigm Magazine #7 has been released for Patreons and supporters. Support us and get the magazine at the $5 level or the short story at $2 every month. Welcome to Dark Paradigm Magazine #7. This issue we have a sci-fi AI...
Jan 3, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Magazine, News
Happy New Year 2018! Dark Paradigm Magazine #6 just dropped for $5 + Patreons. Details below. We’re getting ready for the first quarter with a few new book releases. Stay tuned 🙂 This issue we have a post-apocalyptic story by Jay Tinsiano called Aryn, as well as...