50% Special Offer
I’m currently tieing up a few things before heading off to an Indie Author conference next week in London. Really looking forward to connecting with a lot of other authors. Be sure to follow me on Instagram to check latest pics and stories. As it’s summer...
2022 Summer Updates
It’s been a while since I posted to this blog so here goes for a quick update to relieve the guilt, if nothing else. Mostly I post news on Instagram and Twitter, so follow me there for more frequent updates, if interested. Dummy cover for Black Horse Black...
Books & Beer Chat with Luke Richardson
Fellow thriller author, Luke Richardson invited me to chat on his Facebook Live this week. Luke is author of Koh Tao, Hong Kong and Berlin amongst others in his Leo & Allissa International Thrillers series. We discussed the Frank Bowen, Dark Paradigm and Dark Ops...
Dark Ops #4 War Gods Release
Another episode of Dark Ops is here. It seems like it’s been a looking time coming but here it is. Once again, Captain Coleman is ordered to take his Ghost 13 team into the increasingly dangerous Area of Operations around Iran, accompanied, to his horror by the...