July updates from the listening station

I have realised that although I keep my Twitter and Facebook pages fairly updated I neglect my blog. It’s bad but it’s the way it rolls when there’s multiple projects on the go. Anyway, am motivated to do an update. So far this year I’ve been...

Launching the Dark Paradigm series and imprint

The concept of the Dark Paradigm series was born from the Frank Bowen books. An extension of that world, albeit thrown forward into the near future and casting his children in major character roles. Early days Whiteboard notes Collaborative partner, Jay Newton and I...

Flight 313: a military conspiracy short story

Flight 313 is a short military conspiracy thriller that introduces the Dark Ops mini series. This is to run parallel to the flagship Dark Paradigm books that kicks off with White Horse very soon. Here’s the low down: A group of men board flight 313 with the...

January thriller updates

This has been my writing location for a while where I’ve been working on Red Horse (Dark Paradigm #2). It’s great to have routine and get some work done although now I’m on my way to Cartergena in Colombia so the routine will have to wait a few days....

December updates

It’s been a while since I updated this but there’s been plenty going on behind the scenes at Tinsiano towers. White Horse, the first salvo in the new thriller/post-apocalyptic Dark Paradigm series is now with the editor after extensive beta reading....