Pandora Red: Frank Bowen #2

Pandora Red came to into existence in July 2013, when an early edition of False Flag, the first Frank Bowen book, had just been published. A month earlier the Edward Snowden revelations had exploded onto the world’s media and the inspiration of where to take...

updates from the listening station…

It’s been a while since I did any updates but there has been plenty happening, trust me. Blood Tide is finally available across major ebook platforms, such as iBooks, Kobo and Nook as well as Amazon. The follow up to False Flag, Pandora Red, was scheduled for...

False Flag cover revamp

With a recent re-edit and a new audiobook release it was time to give False Flag a cover make over and after careful consideration I opted for the services of the cover collection. They offered some great options and it really was tricky choosing what to go for. These...

False Flag Audiobook

False Flag, is now available as an audiobook, narrated by Audio File Magazine earphones award winner Chris MacDonnell. This has been a really interesting project; to hear my writing coming to life in audiobook form is really exciting. Narrator, Chris MacDonnell, is a...

Books I rant about

Here is a list of the fiction authors and books that I have enjoyed recently and who have influenced my writing. The list will change over time as I discover new ones and as I’m sure you’re aware, there’s a helluva lot out there! 1. The Godfather –...