Jul 3, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Chapbook
Dark Paradigm Chapbook #2 has dropped for Patreons! Ghost Order continues with chapters 9, 10 and 11. Frank meets with Carl Paterson at this old haunt, the British Ghost 13 station on Lime Street Canal to finalise his mission. The investigation into the leak at...
Jun 7, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Chapbook
Dark Paradigm Chapbooks will replace the previous magazine and is now available for $2 Patreons. In this bumper issue, we have the first eight chapters of Ghost Order, from the third Frank Bowen conspiracy thriller. Frank Bowen is pulled back into the Dark State once...
Mar 31, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Magazine
Dark Paradigm magazine #9 just dropped early 🙂 It’s been a busy first few months of 2018. There’s a lot of ideas, stories and manuscripts flying around and we’re working hard to build a library of great books published by our awesome imprint. Help prevent starving...