Jan 25, 2019 | New Books, News
Ghost Order, the third in the Frank Bowen series was released today on eBook format across the main retailers and Paperback version is available on Amazon. We will be working to get the paperback version for the wider book market along with the audiobook out later...
Dec 12, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Chapbook, News
Dark Paradigm Chapbook #7 features Chapters 23-25 of Ghost Order. In the depths of the Colombian Darien Gap jungle, swarming with Narcos, Paramilitary groups and bandits, Frank and Nero soon find the constant threat of death and evil waits around every corner in the...
Nov 15, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Chapbook, News
Dark Paradigm Chapbook #6 with Ghost Order chapters 20-22 is on Patreon. In Panama, Frank and Nero consider their options on how to continue after their recent run-ins with unknown assailants. They head to the tiny village of Puerto Obaldia, in the Kuna Yala...
Oct 24, 2018 | Dark Paradigm Chapbook, News
I just realised I’ve missed a few of the Dark Paradigm Chapbooks here on the blog…I’m just prepping chapbook #6 for next week but here are the details for DP #5 anyway. Ghost Order, the final novel is on the verge of going to the editor so...