Jan 11, 2020 | New Books, News
January 11th sees the release of a mass-market 2020 edition of the Frank Bowen Conspiracy series omnibus. If you’ve been waiting to get a paperback version now’s a good time to ask your bookstore. Here’s the blurb: Enter the humidity, feel the cold...
Jul 4, 2019 | New Books, Uncategorized
The Frank Bowen Collection (False Flag, Pandora Red and Ghost Order) has been released! This Conspiracy Thriller Omnibus is available as eBook, Paperback (on Amazon) and Audiobook. Click here to purchase A paperback version will be available later in the year for the...
May 18, 2019 | New Books, News
Today sees the latest episode of Dark Ops: War Lords hit the virtual bookshelves. With Colonel Stark out of the loop, Captain Coleman and the rest of the Ghost 13 squad are briefed on a Daesh plan to hijack and steal an Iranian government convoy carrying enriched...
Apr 23, 2019 | Audiobooks
Ghost Order, the third Frank Bowen thriller has just been released on audio narrated by Chris MacDonnell, a leading British Actor and Voice Talent with 37 years experience and a winner of Audio File Magazine earphones awards March 2015. Available on Audible, Amazon...